Lux’s Splash Art From League of Legends.

Lux’s Quick Guide: Shining Bright in 3 Minutes

Table of Contents

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..grandmaster 6 years in a row.. challenger sometimes if I'm feeling cute.

Whether you’re taking charge in the mid lane or supporting in bot, this guide will illuminate the path to mastering Lux in just 3 minutes. The build for Mid is working for ARAM mode also.

Your Quick Mid/ARAM Guide

Your Quick Support Guide


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Combos and Mechanics

Quick list of combos and mechanics:

Quick Snare Burst

Lux's Quick Snare Burst Combo: Sequence Q, E, R, E.

Basic Trade

Lux's Basic Trade Combo: Sequence Q, AA, E, AA, E.

Extended Trade

Lux's Extended Trade Combo: Sequence E, AA, E, Q, AA.

Max Damage

Lux's Max Damage Combo: Sequence Q, AA, E, R, AA, AA, E.

Flash Burst

Lux's Flash Burst Combo: Sequence Q, F, E, R, E, AA.

Defensive Escape

Lux's Defensive Escape Combo: Sequence Q, E, R, F, E.

Simple Poke

Lux's Simple Poke Combo: Sequence E, AA, E.

Gameplay Strategy for Mid

  • Early Game: Focus on farming and poking with E. Conserve your Q for defensive plays or guaranteed hits. Manage your mana wisely.
  • Mid Game: Group with your team, control objectives, and look for picks with your Q + E + R combo. Stay in the backline during skirmishes.
  • Late Game: Prioritize vision around objectives. Use your range to poke and zone enemies. Shield your allies with W during teamfights.

Lux's Support Playbook

  • Poke and Zone: Use your E to poke the enemy ADC and support, zoning them away from farm.
  • Peel for Your ADC: Your Q is a valuable tool to peel for your ADC. If an enemy engages, quickly bind them to give your ADC a chance to reposition.
  • Roaming: If your ADC is safe, consider roaming mid with your jungler for a surprise gank. Your Q and E provide excellent gank setup.

Expert Tips

  • Use your E (Lucent Singularity) for vision in bushes to avoid face-checking.
  • Be patient with your Q; a well-timed Light Binding can change the outcome of a fight.
  • Remember that your ultimate, Final Spark, can refresh the Illumination debuff, so use it strategically.
  • For support Lux, layer your CC with your ADC’s for extended lockdown and use Prismatic Barrier effectively in teamfights.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I manage Lux's mana effectively in the early game?

Focus on efficient ability usage, consider items and runes for mana sustain.

How can I improve my accuracy with Lux's skill shots?

Practice in training mode, anticipate enemy movements. Intuition is key here.

When should I play Lux in the support role versus the mid role?

Consider team composition and matchups.

What are the best summoner spells for Lux?

Flash is essential; Ghost, Barrier, Ignite, Teleport based on matchup and playstyle.

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Written By Epicnoob

..grandmaster 6 years in a row.. challenger sometimes if he's feeling cute..


to get even better check these tutorials as well:

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